get involved

Saint Peter's Church is an active, caring and open Christian community committed to Jesus Christ and sharing his message. We provide numerous opportunities for ministry, worship, fellowship, and outreach. Whether you are a member, friend, or visitor, we invite you to join in the life of Saint Peter's Parish. Our hope and prayer is that this list will help you find your place in this vibrant church community. For more information, please contact the church office by phone or email.

Click on the links below or view our Annual Report to learn more about our ministries. 

Book Open

2024 Annual Meeting

Acolytes * Adult Formation  * Altar Flowers * Altar Guild * Daughters of the King * Episcopal Church Women *
* Family Ministries * Financial Advisory Committee * Foyer Groups * Gardens and Grounds * Green Team *
* Heart and Soul Ministry * Invite-Welcome-Connect * Lay Eucharist Ministry * Mission and Outreach * Music Ministry *
* Parish Nurses * Prayer Shawl Ministry * Stephen Ministry *

safe church

Interested in volunteering at St. Peter's? Here are some things you should know. There is now an online safe church training. This training teaches all volunteers how to interact safely in different situations. All volunteers are required to maintain Safe Church certification. To learn more about the safe church program click the link below.

Click the Get Certified button above. Safe Church applicants, please include the following in your email to Pam,

  • First and Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Your Role(s) in the parish/diocese (e.g., Sunday school teacher, vestry member)
  • Parish/Church Affiliation



Subscribe to our weekly email to be notified about our next scheduled Ministries Fair.

Are you looking for a way to become more involved at St. Peter's, or simply wondering what a particular committee or group does?  Come to the Ministries Fair! This is a no-pressure, informational event with representatives (both lay and clergy) to answer your questions.  

The 2024 Ministries Fair is scheduled for February 25 during each coffee hour. We are using the coffee hour times following the 8:00 am and 10:00 am services. Invite-Welcome-Connect will provide coffee and light refreshments.