Our Bishop Diocesan, the Rt. Rev. Kevin Brown, will visit St. Peter’s on Sunday, May 18 to preside and preach at the 10 AM service. He will also preside over the sacrament of Confirmation and the Episcopal actions of Reception and Reaffirmation.
Through Baptism we are made a member of the household of God, forever bearing the mark of Christ. Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation are means of recommitting ourselves to the promises made at Baptism. Through Confirmation or Reception, you may formally become a member of the Episcopal Church. In recent years, many members of St. Peter’s who come from various Christian denominations have chosen to deepen their ties and commitment to the Episcopal Church in this way.
If you have already been confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church, you may wish to reaffirm your growth in faith and commitment to being a follower of Jesus Christ. This is especially meaningful if you have recently relocated to the area and become active in the church or have had an experience which draws you more deeply into prayer and relationship with God.
If you are interested in learning more about the sacrament of Confirmation, or the actions of Reaffirmation and Reception, you will be asked to attend the program called “Welcome to the Episcopal Church” and otherwise prepare for this memorable and Spirit-filled day. Please contact Rev. Kathy Andonian for more information and to ask questions and complete this information form.