St. Peter's LIveStream

We are testing out a new live stream option. Stay tuned for more information. Thank you for your patience as we test out this new option. Click on the video below to watch this weeks service.

live broadcasts

Our 10:00am Holy Eucharist is broadcast live every Sunday. 

If you attend the service in-person you may appear on the video.

  • youtube roundedyoutube

    Click the YouTube icon to the left to view the live stream from St. Peter's YouTube channel. Be sure to click "subscribe" to be notified of future broadcasts. Service leaflets are available in the video description and the WEBSITE.

  • facebook roundedfacebook

    Click on the Facebook icon to the left to view the livestream from St. Peter's Facebook page. Be sure to click  on the null icon to update your notifications so that you will be notified of future broadcasts.

    Don't have a Facebook account? Click HERE for directions on how to join the live stream with out having an account. 

    Morning and Evening Prayer

    Directions for Recording on Facebook Live

  • Instagram roundedinstagram

    Scan the QR Code to Follow us on Instagram.


    open your Instagram App and search @STPETERSLEWES to follow us

   Christmas Eve Service Streams

Join us on December 24th  for a night of music, scripture, and joy as we celebrate the birth of Christ. We look forward to seeing you there!

Holly BerryChristmas Eve Family Service: 5 PMHolly Berry 

Holly BerryFestal Service with the Handbells: 7:30 PMHolly Berry

Holly BerryCarol Sing & Prelude: 10:30 PMHolly Berry

    Holly BerryFestal Service with the Choir: 11:00 PMHolly Berry