St. Peter's is a safe space for ALL to question and explore what is means to be a Christian in the Episcopal Church and in the world. Our Christian Formation programs range in ages from toddlers to Adults. Click on the circles below to learn more about our programs.
Thinking about volunteering at St. Peter’s? Here’s what you need to know! We now offer an online Safe Church training, which equips volunteers with the knowledge to interact safely in various situations. All volunteers must maintain Safe Church certification. Click the link below to learn more about the program.
Online training is available for both new participants and those renewing their certification. If you need to obtain or renew your certification, please contact Pam Smith at
Safe Church applicants, please include the following information in your email to Pam:
First and Last Name
Email Address
Your Role(s) in the Parish/Diocese (e.g., Sunday school teacher, vestry member)
Parish/Church Affiliation