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Sing with us sunday's
On one Sunday each month, the children and youth join St. Peter's Choir to sing the Hymn of Praise. We practice together at 9 AM that morning. Join us for Church School Sunday at 9 AM, and we’ll walk over to the Sanctuary as a group. We can’t wait to see you there!
Sunday's at st. peter's
godly play
Godly Play is a program that uses a hands-on approach to Christian formation. Children ages 3 to 11 are invited to listen to stories, pray together, and wonder about God. We meet Sunday 9am-9:50am in the Lower Level of the Community Hall.
Godly Play encourages children to ask questions and respond to the lesson in open and creative ways.
Our goal in Godly Play is to show how to be open to the Holy Spirit, the Creator, and the Redeemer all at once, all the time in every place.
Little shepherds
Ages 3-6 meet in the lower level of the Parish Hall to share Bible stories and explore what it means to be a Christian today.
Ages 7-11 meet in the lower level of the Parish Hall to share Bible stories, question, wonder, and explore Christianity today. In this class we also introduce the different parts of the Episcopal service and why we do them.
SPY Explorers
GRADES 5 -12
Join us Sundays at 9am for thought-provoking discussions on faith, fun games, and community service opportunities. During these gatherings, we explore sacred texts, the Book of Common Prayer, and the significance of serving the community. Our aim is not only personal growth, but also fostering a deep sense of community that extends beyond St. Peter's Square. Through our actions, we strive to show the world the love of Christ.
Calling ALL Youth Grades 5 and Up! We want to hear from you! Email
Supplemental Curriculum:
Godly Play By Jerome W. Berryman
Godly Play in Middle and Late Childhood by Cheryl V. Minor
SPY is an LGBTQ+ affirming and inclusive group that meets weekly at 9am to learn about and discuss God. We promote visible representation of LGBTQ+ individuals in our events and leadership roles, creating safe spaces for connection and expression. By actively engaging LGBTQ+ youth in community activities and encouraging allies to advocate for their rights, we strive to foster a nurturing environment where they can thrive and be their authentic selves.
Every year, we gather our youth to represent St. Peter's at the Delaware PRIDE Festival.
St. Peter's youth, along with other Episcopal youth groups in Delaware, come together to celebrate and share in the joy of the festival. We would love for you to stop by our booth and join us in this wonderful experience! -
Youth Trips and Events
Join St. Peter's Church Youth Trips and Events for a journey of faith and friendship! Our program is designed to enrich the lives of young people with inspiring retreats, fun outings, and a sense of community and purpose. Experience the joy of faith in action and the warmth of fellowship with dedicated mentors. Discover the excitement at St. Peter's Church - where every trip is an opportunity to grow, connect, and thrive!
Youth Permission and Photo Release Form
Family and Youth Events 2024-2025
- January -
Jan. 31st 5-7pm New volunteer training for Godly Play
March 2nd Burying the Alleluias during 10am service
March 4th 5-7pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
April 13th 10:30am Parish Hall Last Supper Reenactment
April 20th No Godly Play/ Easter Egg Hunt
May 10th Kayaking at Camp Arrowhead with lunch
May 18th Last Sunday of Godly Play Celebration 9am
June 21st 2-4pm Acolyte Olympics
July-August July 28th-Aug 1st Vacation Bible School- Step Right Up! (Carnival Theme)