Adult formation

At Saint Peter's, we offer various opportunities for spiritual growth and deepening your faith. Join us in prayer, socializing, and serving together as a faith community. Attend programs on Christian Spirituality, prayer practices, and Bible studies led by members of the congregation like Jeff, Mark, Carlyle, and Kathy. Check the bulletin for special events to nourish your mind, heart, and soul. Contact the office or clergy for more information.

  • summer spirituality series

    This very popular series returns every summer with a great line up of presentations. Come join us Thursday evenings in the Parish Hall as we explore topics, different services, and our own spiritual practices. Each session starts at 7pm and ends with ice cream from King's  Ice Cream. The series runs from the Thursday after Memorial Day until the Thursday before Labor Day every year.

    SUBSCRIBE to our eblast to to stay updated on all of our activities.

  • Centering Prayer

    Deepening Your Spiritual Journey: Centering Prayer

    Most of us want to deepen our experience of the presence of God. Centering Prayer, a form of Christian meditation, is a way to do just that. It is a simple prayer practice that requires no prior experience or knowledge – just a willingness to go deeper in our relationship with God. We will begin a new Centering Prayer Group on January 15th at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. You are invited! The Centering Prayer practice will be taught. We will also watch Father Thomas Keating’s video series titled, “The Spiritual Journey.” For more information, contact Mother Carlyle Gill.

    Contact the office to get login information or  Subscribe to our Weekly E-blast to receive group updates and learn more about our current book.

  • Explore your own spirituality and relationship to Christ and the Universe.

    Study to Engage, Challenge and Enrich Your Spirit by:

    • Meeting weekly on Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm beginning in September
    • Being open and willing to listen to all ideas.
  • Men's spirituality

    A Spiritual and Personal Growth Discussion Group for Men.  

    We will meet on Monday, May 8, from 7-8:30 p.m., for open and lively conversation about growth issues in our lives.  All men are welcome to join us for this time of enriching discussion of spiritual matters without judgment or criticism. 

    This will be a “hybrid” meeting -- those who wish to meet in person can gather in the Conference Room in the church basement, with masks recommended but not required; We will also broadcast via Zoom. Contact the office or subscribe to the eblast for the meeting Id and Passcode.  

    Our normal meeting schedule is the second and fourth Monday of each month.

  • tuesday bible study 10 am

    This class meets weekly on Tuesday mornings at 10 am in the Conference Room. 

    Contact the office for zoom login informationSUBSCRIBE to our E-Blast to receive group updates and learn more about our current studies.

  • thursday bible study 9:30 am

    The Thursday morning 9:30 am group follows the hybrid model: in-person for those who are comfortable gathering together, or via Zoom for those who either need or want to join from home. This group has lively and informative discussions about the text they are studying together. There is always room for more participants if you are interested.

     SUBSCRIBE to our E-Blast to receive group updates and learn more about our current studies.

    For those participating via Zoom contact the office for the log in information.

  • st. peter's readers

    St Peter’s Readers are continuing to meet using a hybrid meeting format. We meet in person in the church conference room and on Zoom. Contact the office for the zoom log in information or subscribe to our e-blast. Our meetings are on the third Sunday of the month at 5 p.m., during daylight savings time and at 4 p.m. during standard time.

    If you would like to be added or deleted from our email list, please contact Roberta Williams Lindsay  or Carole Somers

    SUBSCRIBEto our eblast to to stay updated on all of our activities.

  • women's spirituality group

    The WSG meets on the 1st & 3rd Fridays at 10:30 am in the Community (Parish) Hall. Books are chosen by the women and facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Carol Flett. Join in our group for amazing discussions. Women are always welcome to attend, even if you  have not read the book.  Subscribe to our weekly email for updates on what we are reading and discussing. For questions, contact