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Baptism at St. Peter’s Church

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is celebrated according to the canons of the church and the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer. By Baptism, we become full members of the Body of Christ and His Church. Baptisms are therefore part of the public worship of the church and are not performed privately but rather during one of the principal Sunday services. It is expected that persons who are Baptized at Saint Peter’s will answer affirmatively the questions asked in the baptismal covenant, particularly concerning their participation in the life and ministry of this parish. When we baptize infants and small children, it is expected that their parents and/or guardians will assist their children in regular attendance at worship and in the life of the congregation.

The Book of Common Prayer directs that it is especially appropriate for Holy Baptism to be performed at these feasts: The Baptism of our Lord, The Great Vigil and Easter, Pentecost Sunday, and All Saints Sunday. It is also appropriate to celebrate Baptism at the visitation of our Bishop. In addition to the dates listed above, a baptism may also be scheduled on other Sundays of any month other than those listed above. Except in the case of extreme emergency, baptisms will not be performed in the season of Lent.

Before the Baptism is celebrated there is always instruction for the individual and/or parents. Godparents are also strongly urged to be participants in this instruction. If you wish to be baptized or to have your child baptized, please speak with Fr. Jeff. 
