Art Show volunteers operate every aspect of
this event, from the arrival of the artists first thing in the morning, to the
dismantling of the show at 3:00.
Volunteers commit to shifts that are generally 2 hours long, and the assignments can be indoors or outdoors. Some tasks are more active, such as traffic control, or replenishing water stations. Some tasks, such as the Information Booth, don’t require a lot of moving around.
Beginning Saturday June 3rd, someone from the Art Show committee will have volunteer sign-up sheets available after each worship service (Saturday 5:00, Sunday 8:00am and 10:00am).
Volunteer tasks can include:
Provide traffic control
Help artists unpack and get set up in the morning (or help them break down their displays at the end of the day).
Wheel breakfast carts around, offer hot coffee, juice, and a light breakfast snack to the artists.
Offer respite to the artists, in case they need to briefly step away from their booth.
Replenish water and ice at the water stations, as well as offer reusable, filled water bottles.
Provide information, answer questions, provide Art Show programs, give directions, at one of the 3 information booths.
Work with the Silent Auction: gather items from the artists at the beginning of the day, provide support in the Parish Hall, or contact winners at the end of the event.
What goes up must come down.
Volunteers are needed at the end of the show to provide traffic control, take down tables, booth numbers, gather up chairs, and also assist artists as they pack up and get ready to leave.
If you miss the in person sign-ups after church services, or for questions, call or email
Anne Canan, Art Show Volunteer Coordinator.